Woodland Trust Scotland recently shared some information with the community about plans to regenerate Eisg Brachaidh Estate. In response we have been asked for more information on the subject. We have produced this document, with a map to fill in more detail and answer some of the most common questions we have received.   In addition, we are holding a drop-in

Job Opportunity to join the CALL Team

We are delighted to announce that we have an opportunity for people to join our Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape Partnership Scheme staff team. There is the opportunity to join this part time job with the Trusts other vacancy for a Living Landscapes Communications & Advocacy Officer for the Cumbernauld Living Landscape Creating Natural Connections Project to create a full

Community Grant Scheme Recipients 2020

This year, 10 projects within Coigach and Assynt have been awarded a total of £31,869 through the Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape Partnership (CALLP) Community Grant Scheme. Projects benefiting from funding include supporting the repair of stone walls around community gardens, community archive revamp and seaweed surveys. Over the last four years that the Community Grants Scheme has been running,

Repairs to make the Elphin Community Hall watertight

Elphin, Ledmore and Knockan Community Association are one of this years Community Grant Scheme recipients. Here is an update on their work so far: Thanks to the generous donation of £5000 from CALLP and their partners Scottish Natural Heritage and the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Elphin, Ledmore and Knockan Community Association Ltd have been able to employ Gordon Mackenzie

Sense of Place Virtual Workshops: Do you live in Coigach or Assynt? We need your help!

Our Landscape Routes project aim is to produce a toolkit to celebrate and promote our landscape within Coigach and Assynt. This can be nature, built or Cultural heritage or landscape based. We will be identifying common messages from community consultation in the form of online workshops. This project is lead by the North West Highland Geopark and contractor Countryscape have

Meet your feathered neighbours…

While we collectively remain tucked up safely in our homes, spring is bursting into life all around us. These past couple of weeks, Fiona, Vickii and I would ordinarily have been bursting into a flurry of activity ourselves; through organising, overseeing and delivering aspects of the Ullapool High School S1 Isle Martin residential with various partner groups and individuals. The

What to Spot All Year!

May marks our year of What to Spot finished. Below I have placed all the blogs together so you can view the months more easily that trawling through all the blogs! We will keep updating with more spots from Coigach to add to the Assynt Field Club records. If you have any suggestions for species that should be included please

What to Spot: April Edition

Well, here we are with our final ‘what to spot’ blog. That’s a full year of wildlife for you to look out for in the Coigach and Assynt area. We have really enjoyed this collaboration and hope you have too. This month should see a few bumblebees on the move, these will be queens that have hibernated over the winter

Freshwater Lochan Survey Project Completed!

As you explore Coigach and Assynt you can’t help but notice the enormous amount of freshwater lochans; it’s no wonder that this is an important habitat for wildlife but also a large attraction for visitors and anglers. Many a photographer, artist and ecologist have flocked to the area to see the beautiful views the lochans enhance and the wildlife they

Corona Virus CALLP Update

The situation with the coronavirus has caused various discussion within the Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape Partnership (CALLP) team and the Scottish Wildlife Trust with regards to local and national response, and immediately required, responsible action.  This has taken into consideration the wellbeing of the partners, the CALLP team and the wider community, as well as the commitment and ambition

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