Juniper Walk

Little Assynt Tree Nursery are planning a walk to collect Juniper berries on Wednesday 27th January at Loch an Aon Aite. It is a lovely walk along the Clachtoll peat road. It will take about an hour to get to our picking site, so there’s plenty time to soak up the views and spot wildlife. Come prepared with suitable boots and

New Outreach Officer starts at Nursery

New outreach officer for Little Assynt Tree Nursery. Nick Clooney welcomes Susan Pease. Susan will be organising new events and volunteering opportunities in the next few months. Both the post and activities are funded by Coastal Communities Fund.

Stage 2 HLF Application Submitted

This morning Rich put all 7.44 kgs of our Stage Two Submission in the post to the Heritage Lottery Fund and have just now pressed submit on the online application form! As expressed in the application, this represents the culmination of over 5 years of work from a huge number of people and organisations. Of course this has intensified greatly

Outreach Officer Vacancy

Coastal Communities Fund has provided funds for an Outreach Officer for Little Assynt Tree Nursery, part of the Coigach and Assynt Living Landscape. See attached advertisement for details.

Tree Nursery Advertises for Seed Collector

The Little Assynt Tree Nursery has been invited by Royal Botanical Gardens Kew to join the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership. The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership is the largest ex situ plant conservation programme in the world.  Further details about the UK National Tree Seed Project component of the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership can be found at Little Assynt Tree

Coigach and Assynt Open Days – March 31st and 2nd April

We’re entering the last few months before the submission date to the Heritage Lottery Fund and would like to share the final development of the proposed projects with you! Come along to our Open Days on Tuesday 31st March at Coigach Community Hall and Thursday 2nd April at Little Assynt Tree Nursery on both days from 2-6pm.  There will be

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