A walk on the wild side at Clachtoll

Another rough week of weather but the sun tried to shine for us and people came out to join myself, Andy, David and Avril on a walk around Clachtoll, learning about wildlife recording and its importance. So fully waterproofed up (just in case!), we headed out! Assynt Field Club, of which Andy, David and Avril are members, are corelating wildlife

A Liking for Lichen

Last week I spent my time wandering around woodlands learning about the Lichens that are associated with out Atlantic Hazel Woodlands. Along side the Assynt Field Club, we were joined by Andy Acton of the British Lichen Society for a pretty intense 5 days of Lichens. Atlantic Hazel Woodlands are classed as Hazel (Corylus avellana) that grows on the oceanic

Demonstration crofts in Coigach & Assynt

We will be looking for enthusiastic and forward-looking crofters to take up the demonstration croft opportunity. The croft selection will be done in a competitive and transparent way. Croft development will be guided by an agreed plan and implemented by a combination of training event, the crofter him/herself, a development budget, and funding through rural payments schemes. Do you want

Crofting Project – maximising the opportunities available to crofters

Crofting exists in areas where agricultural production and investment costs are traditionally high. It is widely regarded as a socially, culturally and environmentally important activity, for the sense of identity it provides, the landscape it produces and the systems of communal working it supports. The aims of this project will be to provide practical training events and sharing of knowledge

Learning The Way!

By Katrina Martin, CALLP Education Manager (Job Share) Ever since I stepped into the role of Education Manager for the Outdoor & Woodland Learning Project I have been excited at the prospect of delivering an Outdoor Learning session themed around paths, especially given the variety of paths and access projects CALLP has. Like many of us, I enjoy going out

We’ve ‘Done’ Suilven

Guest blog by Chris Goodman, Path Project Officer for the John Muir Trust I look at my watch, it’s 5.30pm and it’s still a long walk back to Glencanisp from the steep slope on the north side of Suilven. It’s the last day on site of the path repair project and it’s been all hands on deck getting everything finished

Raffin Beach Clean Success!

At the start of the week when I looked at the weather forecast for the 13th and 14th I was sceptical if we would be able to run the beach clean with the horrible weather that was being predicted but as the week went on things started to look brighter and I headed down, hoping some brave people would join

Woodland Artisan – Birch Bark Pots

Last weekend we ran a course on making birch bark pots with the fantastic Wooden Tom. It was a fantastic day, and everyone was pleased with their creations! Thank you all that came and Tom for his expert wood skills to guide us. How were they made? The lid and base are made from a block of pine cut into

Sensory Exploration of the Weather

Sometimes a session has to be altered or rescheduled due to inclement weather. Today it was forecast to blow a hoolie… we revised the plan (no pens and paper, cardboard resources etc, just our warm-clothing-and-waterproof-wrapped bodies written in) and tentatively met at Achiltibuie Primary School before making the final decision on whether to head out. We discussed our thinking with

The Final Push

Guest blog by commissioned photographer, Chris Puddephatt Only a few days left now; the whole project is nearing completion. Time has flown. Scary. At the beginning of this season I met Chris Goodman to identify a few sites as likely candidates for “before and after” shots and got the first set in the bag. Now I’m back with him trying

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