Community Grants Scheme

The Community Grants Scheme (CGS) supported activities at a community level that complement those taking place through the wider Landscape Partnership Scheme (LPS) and provide benefit to people living within the project area. The intention was to encourage as wide a range of groups and individuals as possible to get involved with and benefit from the LPS. Small grants were

Natural Heritage Data Project

The Assynt Field Club set up a website in 2009 to provide a window to Assynt’s natural heritage and landscapes for local residents, visitors to the area and the wider scientific community.  It also encourages observations to be contributed.  From 2013-14 the website received 1,441 contributions. The previous website only allowed the display and storage of limited information from these

Marine Project

The culture and prosperity of Coigach and Assynt has been linked to the sea for centuries but as sea health has diminished many of those links have been lost. This project builds on previous work undertaken, particularly that of the Highland Seashore Project, to give greater prominence to the local marine environment. The project area includes the Wester Ross Marine

Sustainable Deer Management

Deer management in Scotland is overseen by NatureScot, with decisions and actions at a local level undertaken by Deer Management Groups (DMGs) who co-ordinate activity between the landowners and managers within each area. The CALL area falls within the West Sutherland Deer Management Group (WSDMG) which itself is split into four sub-groups, two of which fall within the CALLP Scheme

Crofting Project

Crofting is a unique social system which stems from the Highland Clearances of the nineteenth century, and has played a crucial role in shaping the landscape, natural environment, cultural heritage and social economy of all the crofting counties. In the project area there are three main areas under crofting tenure: the Coigach Peninsula, the Assynt Coast from Lochinver north to

Woodland Artisan Courses

This project aimed to fulfil local demand for training courses using local timber and woodland resources to create products such as spoons, bowls, furniture, hazel hurdles, baskets and wild food products. Courses were run from the start of the Scheme in conjunction with the local learning centre at various locations throughout Coigach and Assynt. The aims of the project were

Outdoor and Woodland Learning

The Outdoor and Woodland Learning (OWL) project encouraged education about the area’s natural environment in order to nurture a legacy of understanding and respect. It is the central access point for all school activities associated with the Landscape Partnership projects delivery. The aims of this project were to: Work with schools in, and associated with, the CALLP project area to

Soil Fertility Research

In the rocky landscape of the North West Highlands soil is a rare and precious resource both for agriculture and woodlands. Inland, Assynt benefits from patches of limestone bedrock which provide occasional oases of fertile soil. Although the soils of this area have not been studied in detail, recent research across the North Atlantic region and Scotland has revealed that

High Value Open Habitats Survey

There has been some extremely important survey work undertaken in the past of these internationally important habitats. However, in areas this survey work is incomplete and where data is available it is often not in a modern web and GIS compatible format. The aims of this project were to: Obtain more information on a range of lesser-known but both high-value

Freshwater Lochan Survey

As you explore Coigach and Assynt you can’t help but notice the enormous amount of freshwater lochans; it’s no wonder that this is an important habitat for wildlife but also a large attraction for visitors and anglers. Many a photographer, artist and ecologist have flocked to the area to see the beautiful views the lochans enhance, and the wildlife they


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