Volunteer Day at Achlochan Loch

Scottish Wildlife Trust and the Achlochan Crofters welcome volunteers to join us and help carry out improvements to the barn at Achlochan Loch and lay down an improved floor. The barn is important place for us to store tools and take shelter in on a rainy volunteer day, and is home to some local wildlife. What should I bring? •

November Monthly Volunteer Day

Join us for our Monthly Volunteer Day! A range of different activities are covered across our projects. There is something for everyone! New volunteers always welcome. Please email Vickii vcampen@Coigach-assynt.org to register your interest and receive details of each event.   Locations and activities are announced nearer the time as and when projects need help

October Monthly Volunteer Day

Join us for our Monthly Volunteer Day! A range of different activities are covered across our projects. There is something for everyone! New volunteers always welcome. Please email Vickii vcampen@Coigach-assynt.org to register your interest and receive details of each event.   Locations and activities are announced nearer the time as and when projects need help

September Monthly Volunteer Day

Join us for our Monthly Volunteer Day! A range of different activities are covered across our projects. There is something for everyone! New volunteers always welcome. Please email Vickii vcampen@coigach-assynt.org to register your interest and receive details of each event.   Locations and activities are announced nearer the time as and when projects need help

August Monthly Volunteer Day

Join us for our Monthly Volunteer Day! A range of different activities are covered across our projects. There is something for everyone! New volunteers always welcome. Please email Vickii vcampen@Coigach-assynt.org to register your interest and receive details of each event.   Locations and activities are announced nearer the time as and when projects need help

July Monthly Volunteer Day

Join us for our Monthly Volunteer Day! A range of different activities are covered across our projects. There is something for everyone! New volunteers always welcome. Please email Vickii vcampen@Coigach-assynt.org to register your interest and receive details of each event.   Locations and activities are announced nearer the time as and when projects need help

Quinag Walks Programme: Nut Collection Walk

Nut collection walk hosted by our partner the John Muir Trust. Join us for a foraging walk and collecting seed sources for the native tree nursery. Meet at Lochinver cap park next to church/ bus stop, grid reference NC094227. Walks are led by John Muir Trust staff. You are responsible for your own safety and that of your children. Dress

Achlochan Volunteer Work Party

Bracken control and beach clean at Achlochan Loch. Meet 10am by the footpath to the Broch (NC03299 07293). What should I bring? warm outdoor clothing including waterproofs sturdy boots or wellies – steel toecaps preferred but not essetual Gloves – gloves are provided but you may prefer to bring your own Lunch, plenty of snacks and a drink (a flask

Postie’s Path Volunteer Day

Installation of Waymarkers along the Postie’s Path. This will involve a long 5km walk in difficult terrain so you need to be reasonable fit. Meet at 10am at Culnacraig (NC06430 04045). What should I bring? warm outdoor clothing including waterproofs sturdy boots or wellies – steel toecaps preferred but not essetual Gloves – gloves are provided but you may prefer

Culag Woods Beach Clean

Maat at the Culag Woods Carpark nearest the village at 2pm. Walk through the woods along the Higgledy Piggledy path and Anna’s path to the shore. Please wear sturdy footwear and bring clothes for whatever the weather throws at us! Litter picking equipment provided but please bring own refreshements. For more information on this or other events please contact Vickii

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