Gaelic Weekend
16mh & 17mh Màirt 2019
Beginners, Lower Intermediate,
Intermediate and Advanced, all with fluent tutors
Kirsteen Macdonald, Anna Mairi Macleod, James Graham agus Seonag Anderson
10 – 4.30 le buffet/ceilidh oidhche ‘hathairne
£25 gach latha a’ gabhail a-steach lon ‘s ceilidh
£10 buffet feasgar ‘hathairne
10.00am – 4.30pm + buffet/ceilidh on Saturday evening
£25 per day including lunch & ceilidh
£12 buffet on Saturday evening
Finish at 3.30 on Sunday
contact Claire Belshaw on or 01571 855240
Organised by Còmhlan Gàidhlig Asainte with funding from Coigach and Assynt Living Landscape Partnership (SWT, SNH, HLF) and Bòrd na Gàidhlig