Thanks To You Thankyou!
We were delighted to join the #ThanksToYou campaign this year and hold a Coigach and Assynt themed free quiz night for National Lottery players. Our event was one of hundreds across the country included in the campaign to say Thank you to people who have raised money for great causes by buying a lottery ticket.
CALLP has received £882,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to date, with a further £2million due over the next 3 years of the partnership. This funding has, so far, helped us with projects such as repairing the Suilven mountain path, excavating Clachtoll Broch, planting over 100ha of native woodland, establishing an outdoor education program for local schools, creating Glencanisp Nature Trail, auditing our Atlantic Hazel Woodlands, researching the soil fertility of the area, holding a series of woodland artisan workshops and a Community Grant Scheme giving grants towards promoting and conserving the area’s heritage. All this and still more projects to be started in 2019!
So, to all of you who came to the quiz night and those who buy lottery tickets we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU! Laura and I had a great time organising this event and hope you all enjoyed it too. Congratulations to the First place team, the Drumbeg Druids, and the Randomly Selected team, CALL for Help, for winning the hampers of local produce. Enjoy!