
Invitation for application for an artist residency linked to the Clachtoll Broch project.

The Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape Partnership (CALLP), in association with the Assynt Foundation, is issuing this open invitation for expressions of interest to apply for an Art Residency to focus on the current archaeological excavation, consolidation and interpretation of the Clachtoll Broch. The opening up of the broch to professional archaeologists, engaged volunteers and the wider community raises many questions and issues of significance for artistic exploration and creative expression across a broad spectrum of perspectives and disciplines. This residency opportunity is open to all forms of creative endeavour and is made possible thanks to players of the National Lottery through funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund.


The major task of removing the rubble from the collapse of the Broch circa 2,000 years ago and subsequent excavation, was undertaken in 2017 as part of the Clachtoll Broch Project, and further exploration and excavation work will occur this summer (from July).  A significant range of finds have been removed from the Broch and are now subject to closer analysis. The project is being led by the AOC Archaeology Group working closely with Historic Assynt, and is part of the wider CALL Partnership Scheme. As a community project this has relied heavily on a significant amount of volunteer assistance and the engagement of the local community, and visitors and holiday makers staying in Assynt. There has been an active programme of formal and informal visits and tours of the site and in 2017 1,323 people visited the site during the excavation and 55 volunteers contributed 21,000 hours of their time to assisting the archaeologists.

More information on the Clachtoll Broch and the overall project: http://clachtoll.aocarchaeology.com

CALL:  https://www.coigach-assynt.org/

Assynt Foundation: http://www.assynt-foundation.co.uk/assynt-foundation

The chosen artist(s) will be provided with ready access to the site, the finds from the on- going excavation as well as those currently stored and undergoing analysis at AOC premises in Edinburgh.


The Assynt Foundation (AF) is managing this project while working in close collaboration with Historic Assynt. The key outputs required by the funders are;

  • Creation of a piece of work of artistic value and relevance concerning Clachtoll Broch.
  • Two open workshops to explore with participants the process and reasoning behind the art work to be produced.
  • Two School Visits of children from local schools. The organising of these events will be undertaken in collaboration with CALLP Education Officers. This limits the role of the resident to engaging with the children to talk about their project and this aids the interpretation of its significance.

The outline programme of the archaeological activity in 2018 is likely to be;

22 June – 14 July Launch, excavation and a range of workshops
6-8 Aug Further workshops/events
End August onwards Schools programme
22 Sept – 7 October Potential for more excavation and workshops

The expectation is that the successful applicant/s will spend time in Assynt during the months of June – October, with completion of the required work by the end of October. Also that successful applicant/s will undertake a research and development period ultimately leading up to concept design and creation. We are looking for this to involve engagement with others involved with the Broch including Historic Assynt’s two Broch Liaison Officers for further community involvement in the overall broch project.

The residency project will have some limited curatorial assistance and input into the selection of the artist(s) and guidance on the conduct and delivery of the residency.

The fee to cover all artist(s) travel, accommodation, materials and completed art work and their time is a total of £5,000.

There are no limits being placed on the form of the final art work or the chosen artistic medium. Reference has been made to artists in the plural and again there is no prior expectation that this be a solo residency. The limitation here is that of funding and the practical realities of costs of travel and accommodation to a remote part of the North West of Scotland.

The Assynt Foundation (a community owned estate of 44,000 acres of largely wild land) has an arts studio that will be available for use by the resident(s) for own work and the conduct of the workshops if required subject availability.

Requirements and process.

To apply for this opportunity you must:

  • Provide a CV, with details of past projects relevant to this application.
  • Details of your website and/or ten images of recent art work, or digital examples of written, performance, audio visual or work that indicates nature and content of your creative activity.
  • Statement setting out initial ideas of how you will approach this residency, the activities you will undertake, why you are interested in engaging with an archaeological project, an indication of your availability and the time you can give to this project. This should be no more than 1,000 words.

The deadline for receipt is: 12 noon Friday 22nd June.

Applications by email to brochartsres@gmail.com

For further information contact Nigel Goldie through brochartsres@gmail.com

Shortlisting will take place in week beginning 25th June and further interviews with those selected will be through Skype or similar later that week. Further details will be provided when acknowledging receipt of applications.

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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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