Hedgerow Jelly Resources

A Woodland Trust initiative for growing and feasting on hedgerow fruits. Both Lochinver and Achiltibuie students have planted the hedgerow within their grounds. The information here, provides further project ideas as the hedgerow species grow and mature. For other schools, info on how to get involved in the project is also included.

John Muir Quotes Activity

Explore quotes famously said by John Muir. Have a group discussion and use tablet/pens/paper creatively to express thoughts, feelings and reflections regarding the questions asked.

Letter to my Future Self

A quiet activity that encourages individual reflection and connection with feelings in relation to an activity or learning session they have just been involved in. Can be adapted to specific requirements with greater or lesser facilitator input depending on age group and ability.

Mud Kitchen

This is an activity about making a mud kitchen and using it to learn about measuring, estimating, basic fraction identification, literacy. Making mud pies and imaginary cooking using natural outdoor materials seems to have always been a part of playing outdoors. It’s a great way to engage with the outdoors and get hands on experience by exploring materials, role playing

Nature Alphabet

During outdoor sessions, create letters of the alphabet using found materials. Perhaps a twig is naturally the shape of a letter, or objects are collected and rearranged into the shape of a letter. Allow imaginations to run wild!


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