Creative Photography

The creative photography activity can be as structured (or not) as desired, based on age group and abilities. It can also be used as inspiration for exploring the outdoors, without necessarily needing cameras.

Explore Like a Victorian

It was during the Victorian period that many plants and animals were given the names we now use to label them. Imagine you have travelled back in time and you find yourself in the late 1800s; the time when this was all happening. Like famous nature explorer, John Muir, you are setting off to discover the natural world and name

Feeling Gauge – Reflection Activity

Based on the children’s film “Inside Out”. Discuss each character and their emotion, what the word means and different ways and sensations that express that feeling. Can be used for reflection at the start and end of sessions

John Muir Quotes Activity

Explore quotes famously said by John Muir. Have a group discussion and use tablet/pens/paper creatively to express thoughts, feelings and reflections regarding the questions asked.

Letter to my Future Self

A quiet activity that encourages individual reflection and connection with feelings in relation to an activity or learning session they have just been involved in. Can be adapted to specific requirements with greater or lesser facilitator input depending on age group and ability.

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