A-Z of Nature

Identify things in nature and write them down to help with writing skills and spelling. This can be carried out by writing and drawing or by simply taking a walk and playing a nature eye spy version paying attention to the senses and detail of the natural object that you find. Could be linked in with The Lost Words Activity.

Animal Stories (Literacy)

This activity follows on from the animal tracks numeracy activity. Revisit the area you found animal tracks. Take a pencil and the word list with you and note down the words that you think will be useful for the story or drawing activity.

Create a Treasure Hunt Trail

Work in teams to create treasure hunt trail clues and ask someone to follow them to see if it works. This is best done outside in a garden or an outdoor space that is not too big. Create 5 clues, each one will lead the players of the treasure hunt to the next clue.

Creative Photography

The creative photography activity can be as structured (or not) as desired, based on age group and abilities. It can also be used as inspiration for exploring the outdoors, without necessarily needing cameras.

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