MSP opens new community deer larder

    MSP for Caithness, Sutherland and Ross, Maree Todd, officially opened the new community deer larder on the Glencanisp Estate on 19 September as part of an afternoon of family activities and a barbeque to celebrate the new facility. The new deer larder was funded by the wild places charity the John Muir Trust, and CALLP through the National

Wild fires in the Highlands – more of a problem than you think

There is something relaxing about sitting around a camp fire.  It does create a feeling of well being, sitting there chatting with friends and family and focussing on the flickering flames between you. For many who have been cooped up indoors for several months, the thought of getting into the great outdoors and being able to do something as basic

Factfinding for a new deer larder for Glencanisp

As part of the CALLP Sustainable Deer Management Project, Claire Belshaw (Chair, Assynt Foundation), Romany Garnett (Quinag Conservation Officer, John Muir Trust) and Fiona Saywell (Education Manager, CALLP) are involved in the planning for a new deer larder to be installed at Glencanisp. As part of the process they visited the Lairg deer larder on a pre-Christmas visit. The visit

Survey reveals Coigach and Assynt’s globally rare habitats

Over the summer a survey funded through CALLP has discovered that the area between and around the sentinel peaks of Suilven and Canisp is home to an exceptionally large number of globally scarce and important upland habitats. The CALLP High Value Habitat survey is a joint venture between Scottish Wildlife Trust, Assynt Foundation and NatureScot, and aims to survey in


Woodland Trust Scotland recently shared some information with the community about plans to regenerate Eisg Brachaidh Estate. In response we have been asked for more information on the subject. We have produced this document, with a map to fill in more detail and answer some of the most common questions we have received.   In addition, we are holding a drop-in

Freshwater Lochan Survey Project Completed!

As you explore Coigach and Assynt you can’t help but notice the enormous amount of freshwater lochans; it’s no wonder that this is an important habitat for wildlife but also a large attraction for visitors and anglers. Many a photographer, artist and ecologist have flocked to the area to see the beautiful views the lochans enhance and the wildlife they

The Big Climate Fightback: Tree Planting at Little Assynt

Guest Blog by Alison Roe   Saturday 30th November Quinag looms high on the horizon, glowing gently in the afternoon sun as I pull into the car park by the tree nursery at Little Assynt. I’m here for the tree planting event, organised by CALLP in partnership with The Woodland Trust, and we’re definitely lucky with the weather. Rain and

Monthly Volunteer Day Update

This year CALL have been running a monthly volunteer day. Each month we get together and spend a few hours helping one of The CALL projects. Our first in January unfortunately was called off due to snow and ice. The plan was to start the year with a litter pick in Culag Wood and enjoy a gentle walk. Not quite

Volunteer Training at Achlochan

This week we ran a 2-day course for the Achlochan Project volunteers to get trained in using brush-cutters and strimmers. This course was LANTRA accredited and covered maintaining the machines as well as safe usage. All the trainees passed and now are qualified to use strimmers and brush-cutters to help maintain the Achlochan site. Although the weather was brisk, we

Demonstration crofts in Coigach & Assynt

We will be looking for enthusiastic and forward-looking crofters to take up the demonstration croft opportunity. The croft selection will be done in a competitive and transparent way. Croft development will be guided by an agreed plan and implemented by a combination of training event, the crofter him/herself, a development budget, and funding through rural payments schemes. Do you want

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