Glen Canisp nature trail repairs complete

  The summit of Suilven dominates the peaks of Coigach and Assynt.  Whether it is the camel back profile spied from Stac Pollaidh or Elphin, or the bald pate rising over Lochinver, Suilven is one of Scotland’s most distinctive mountains.  However for me the most picturesque view of Suilven is from Glencanisp itself. Recently I had the chance to sit

OWL is on the wing again!

The Outdoor & Woodland Learning (OWL) team are back delivering sessions with the local schools! Hurray! Today one of the groups were learning and imitating the calls of the local woodland song birds, when they discovered an ant nest which caused much curiosity and excitement. You never quite know how a session is going to unfold moment to moment, which

Creating a Sense of Place

Whether you’re a tourist or a local, it will soon be easier to discover and share what makes this part of the world so special, thanks to a suite of new resources currently being developed by North West Highlands Geopark through the Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape. The project includes an app that will guide tourists around some of the

Builders overcome tough challenges to upgrade Isle Martin Croft

Isle Martin Croft has been given a substantial upgrade, in part thanks to the local firm of builders who tackled the hefty challenges of working on a tiny island with no roads in order to make the improvements. The Croft has been mainly unoccupied for thirty years and suffered from damp and neglect. However after careful consideration Isle Martin Trust,

Postie’s Path upgrades make path better for walkers

by Michelle Henley, Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserves Project Officer A centuries-old route across the remote hills of Coigach, once used by the hardiest of postmen, was recently given a major upgrade to make it safer for all kinds of walkers for many years to come. The Postman’s path is a popular route which skirts the coastline around the Scottish Wildlife

Quinag’s wildlife and history in the spotlight

The John Muir Trust is working with the Assynt Field Club on a project to assemble and make available as much information as possible about the landscape and wildlife of Quinag, funded through the CALLP community grants scheme. They are also looking at  the human activities, past and present, that affect them. Where possible, they plan to summarise the lengthier

Calling all artists!

  We are looking for the right artist to take up the third of our residencies as part of the Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape Artist in Residence project. The project is led by the Assynt Foundation, and is available for practitioners who work in performance, audio visual or written or fine art practices. There are no limits being placed

Factfinding for a new deer larder for Glencanisp

As part of the CALLP Sustainable Deer Management Project, Claire Belshaw (Chair, Assynt Foundation), Romany Garnett (Quinag Conservation Officer, John Muir Trust) and Fiona Saywell (Education Manager, CALLP) are involved in the planning for a new deer larder to be installed at Glencanisp. As part of the process they visited the Lairg deer larder on a pre-Christmas visit. The visit

The man (and woman) who plant trees*

Most of us have heard the phrase ‘from tiny acorns mighty oaks will grow’, but how many of us have thought what that means when taken literally? For Nick Clooney, however, the proverb basically describes his job! Nick manages Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape’s Little Assynt Tree Nursery, and just this week for example, Nick delivered 2,500 oak and hazel

Hazel woods – a link to our past

An extract from the Atlantic Hazel Audit Report, by Roz Summers   As part of the now complete Atlantic Hazel Audit project. led by the Assynt Field Club, Roz Summers has written a comprehensive report of the work, and the findings, which makes fascinating reading. To give you a taster here’s an extract from the introduction to the report –

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