ceilidh night on Saturday

We’re disappointed at having to cancel the Woodland Weekend – and have decided to go ahead with the ceilidh night on Saturday 30th, hoping that this will be popular.  It looks like being a great night, with Mandy Haggith reading from her new book, the beautiful collection of poems entitled ‘Into the Forest’, followed by Henry Fosbrooke and his Woodland

A, B, Tree!

What an enjoyable day last Friday! Romany had put together a great morning of activities, based around the fact that each letter in the Gaelic alphabet corresponds to a tree or shrub.  Local writer and poet Mandy Haggith helped to develop the event, which was enjoyed by children from several local schools, some adults and two very young participants. First

Wonderful Woodlands Weekend – book now!

You might know that Romany has put together a really great programme of activities for the ‘What’s the Use of Woodlands?’ weekend from 29th November to 1st December.  This is based at Glencanisp Lodge by Lochinver, where accommodation and catering is available – the rooms are lovely and the food excellent!  So if you fancy spending a weekend in a comfortable

what now?

You might be wondering what we do next, now HLF has granted us £3million?  Well, it’s a lot of money so obviously we need to spell out how we’re going to make best use of it.  We now enter a Development Phase, which lasts for 18 months.  During that time, we’ll be taking on  a Development Manager and Assistant.  These

living landscape photo competition

There was a great response to our photo competition, thank you to everyone who took part. Well done to Kathryn Nelson who won the 5-11 category and to David Haines for winning the adult category with his photo ‘Autumn wood.’ Prizes have been awarded for 1st place in each category. Thank you also to our judge John McCarthy from Lochinver


What a great evening in Lochinver yesterday! Around seventy people turned out on a cold, dark night to be entertained and inspired by this stunning visual treat.  Two of the UK’s top nature photographers Peter Cairns and Mark Hamblin present the show in a really engaging way.  If you can, do try to catch the show in Achiltibuie tonight Friday

soil, muck and money

On a cool November day 29 crofters and land managers gathered in Elphin for a workshop organised by Soil Association Scotland with help from CALL.  Around half were crofters from the CALL area, others having travelled from Gairloch, Ardgay, Brora, Croy and the Black Isle.  We learnt that soil is a living thing and has to be nurtured in order to

what's the use of woods?

Romany has been working hard to set up a great weekend of activities at the end of November. This looks at a range of uses for woodland products, from wood-turning to carving to natural dyes, and there are great talks lined up too.  We’ve had a lot of help from some of CALL’s loyal local supporters, which is enabling the weekend

we've done it!

At last, the wait is over – and we’ve done it!  The Heritage Lottery Fund has recognised the strength of our application and given us a Stage 1 pass – so we’re well on the way to our grant of £3million.  This represents a big investment in the area and has attracted media interest – you might have heard about it on the

crofting students visit the nursery

Glencanisp Lodge provided a spectacular location for the Scottish Crofting Federation’s Entry Level Induction Course on the 13th/14th  October.  Local Course director, Clive Sheppard pulled together a fantastic range of speakers including Bill Ritchie, one of the founding members of the Assynt Crofter’s Trust, Russell Pursey of Elphin Rare Breeds Farm and Patrick Krause, Chief Executive of SCF. The Lodge

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