Development Manager appointed

I’m delighted to let you know that we have appointed a Development Manager for the Landscape Partnership work.  He is Richard Williams, who lives in Coigach with his wife Lizzie and 18-month old daughter Rosie. Richard fought off stiff competition for this role, which will be challenging due to the tight timescale and the complexity of the scheme.  However he

fencing course in March

CALL is working alongside the Scottish Crofting Federation to offer a one-day strained stock fencing course on 5th March, at the tree nursery at Little Assynt.   The course will be professionally run and has been very well-received elsewhere. It gives you the skills and confidence to erect sturdy fencing on your own land. The cost is £40, or £36 for SCF members.  For

willow weaving in Achiltibuie

On a bright and breezy 18th January, a group of ten people got together at Coigach Community Hall.  The plan was to anticipate spring, and make a garden plant support from willow – to be used to support sweet peas, beans, or any climbers in the garden.  There is a lovely living willow tunnel in the hall’s garden so we

recruiting: Development Manager

  Development Manager Coigach – Assynt Living Landscape Partnership   Salary:             £30k pa Location:         Lochinver Hours:              35 per week Term:               March 2014 till July 2015 (likely extension to January 2021)     Following the successful £3million Stage 1 bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT), on behalf of the Coigach-Assynt Living Landscape Partnership, is now

happy new year!

  Happy New Year to you – I hope you had a very enjoyable break.  Already it is lighter in the evenings which is lovely, and so mild the birds are singing! We’re off to an exciting start to the year with advertising for a Development Manager for the Landscape Partnership work.  Please see the Downloads section for the advert. 

Romania exchange – deadline extended

If you’ve been wondering whether to apply to take part in the exchange visit to Romania next year, please note the deadline for applications has been extended to 5pm on Monday 13th January.  You can download information about the trip from the Downloads section, or contact me or Romany from 6th January 2014. The dates of the trip are 5th

come and hear all about it!

The next steering group meting of CALL and the Landscape Partnership is on Tuesday 17th December in the Coigach Community Hall, Achiltibuie, starting at 10am.  This will be a busy meeting, with lots to discuss around the next 18 months; the Development Phase of the Landscape Partnership.  The agenda is available to download in the Links and Downloads section. At

Romania exchange visit

In the CALL Programme Plan there was a wish to set up an international exchange.  Such visits are very interesting and both hosts and guests can be inspired and learn a lot of useful information.  The hope is that on returning home, some of what has been learnt can be used in a beneficial way. We’ve now managed to get

trees for sale!

Nick and Romany have been working hard at the tree nursery and we are now delighted to have trees available for sale.  Rowan, hazel, alder, downy birch and grey willow have all been grown from seed collected locally, and with help from our committed volunteers.  Next year we will have a wider range of species available. Please see the Little

on the trail of the polecat

 The Vincent Wildlife Trust has launched its next national polecat survey, to run from 2014 to 2015, and needs your help to gather up-to-date information on the current distribution of the polecat in Britain.  See the flier in the Downloads section. The polecat is a native British mammal and a member of the mustelid (weasel) family, which includes otter, stoat and

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