amazing images

you may remember that back in October last year, Romany ran a photography competition locally, to tie in with the 2020vision shows in November. Children from the three primary schools were involved, and there was an adult category too. John McCarthy kindly judged the entries. The adult photos are now there to admire, in the links & downloads section: the

Nick enjoying his Ferrari

At the tree nursery, there are some seedlings which were too wee to sell this winter.  These will be ‘lined out’ in the field by the tunnels to grow on for a further year. This takes a fair bit of work – first there were pigs rooting about on the field for several months, then Nick got to work with


(photo copyright Kevin Percival) Fires in the countryside can be devastating to wildlife and vegetation and can threaten livelihoods.  Whilst fire can be carefully used as a management tool by landmanagers, or be part of a camping experience, if out of control or started accidentally it can be disastrous. We urge people to take the utmost care with fire during

many thanks to Romany!

Thursday 27th March was a regular Volunteers’ morning at the tree nursery, as far as Romany was concerned – apart from it being the last one she would organise, as her contract has sadly come to an end.  But slowly it dawned on her that something was up, as more and more people arrived….we had planned a little send-off for

new orchard at Little Assynt

On a lovely sunny day in March, the Seed Truck group from FIfe visited Little Assynt to help schoolchildren plant a new orchard. Culag Community Woodland Trust Project Officer Fiona Saywell and CALL’s Outreach Officer Romany Garnett, helped children from Lochinver Primary School and Stoer Primary School to plant seven heritage varieties of apples: Coul Blush Beauty of Moray Scots Bridget Eve

Fencing in the rain

                                                                                                          Despite persistent wind and rain the strained wire fencing course at Little Assynt nursery took place on the 5th March. The finer points of placing corner posts, attaching strainer wire, tightening using monkey chains and radishers were learnt. Coigach-Assynt Living Landscape teamed up with the Scottish Crofting Federation to deliver their practical skills level one training. Brian Denoon the

fancy a walk?

Now the days are longer and it’s feeling a bit like Spring, why not get out and about and enjoy our lovely area?  There is a whole range of walks, from short and easy to long and difficult, in Coigach and Assynt. If you’re not sure where it’s OK to walk, why not have a look at the Highland Council Core

new staff starting

The Development Manager for the Landscape Partnership work, Richard Williams, takes up post on Monday.  We are advertising the Assistant post too.  It’s all go, and at this stage I thought it might be interesting for you to see the list of potential projects which partners have collated – it’s in the Downloads section. All the work which will be

Hurdles successfully crossed

Despite the weather we had a good turnout for the coppice and hurdle making day on the 28TH Feb. Nick Clooney went through the various benefits of coppicing at a croft in Achiltibuie. These included: encouraging regeneration and multiple shoots, increasing ground flora and encouraging vigorous growth. Then we set to work coppicing a few select trees and cutting the

recruiting again!

CALL Landscape Partnership has just released an advert (see Links & Downloads section) for an Assistant Development Manager.  This is to help the Development Manager with the wide range of work needed to submit the Stage 2 application of the Landscape Partnership bid, in 2015.  This post could be suited to a job-share.   The closing date is 21st March.  Please pass

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