John Muir Award to be offered on Tanera Mor

Last week we had a very inspiring day of awareness-raising for would-be John Muir Award trainers. We had a great day and went home enthused to spread the word.  John Muir Trust organised this event with a wee bit of input from me, really in response to the Wilders on Tanera being keen to make the Award available to local

Nursery Outreach Officer starts work!

I’m really pleased to tell you we’ve appointed Romany Garnett as Nursery Outreach Officer – and she started work yesterday!  You might know Romany – she lives on a croft in Achmelvich, has experience of working with a wide range of people and is very keen to get people involved with  CALL’s new tree nursery. She’ll also be working with community

interviewing tomorrow!

I’m pleased to say we had a good number of applicants for the new job at the nursery – and we’re interviewing candidates on 6th November: tomorrow!  We’ve decided to do this at the tree nursery – in one of the polytunnels – to show candidates the set-up and to try to get the best out of people by not

a new job up for grabs at the tree nursery

I’m really pleased to say we’ve just had funding confirmed – from Forestry Commission Scotland’s Community Seedcorn Fund – so we can employ a second person at the tree nursery.  The successful person’s main role will be to make sure that everyone in Coigach and Assynt (and even visitors from further afield) is able to join in and enjoy various

music, song, tree planting……and cake!

  The sun shone (between the hail showers!) on Friday 5th and I was delighted to see a large number of local folk supporting the tree nursery opening event.  We were entertained by the seriously talented children of Scourie Primary playing music on fiddles, pipes and keyboard, and by the Assynt Brownies and Rainbows who sang a special song –

Come along to the tree nursery opening event!

We’re looking forward to an entertaining afternoon on Friday 5th October, when the CALL partners will officially open the tree nursery at Little Assynt.  At 2pm, after a few words from Jonny Hughes, Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Director of Conservation, the CALL partners will cut the ribbon and declare the nursery OPEN!  Anna MacKay, Chair of Culag Community Woodland Trust will welcome

Tree nursery opening event

We’ve now settled on a date for the opening of the tree nursery: Friday October 5th at 2pm. You are very welcome to come along, view the site and meet some of the people who have made it happen – and of course to meet Nick, the Tree Nursery manager. If you’d like to be part of it, please contact

Heritage Lottery Fund Landscape Partnership

I’m currently working with the newly-formed Landscape Partnership board to pull together a list of projects to be developed under this application. A meeting next week with the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s fundraisers will help to define the process leading to submission of the Stage 1 application in May 2013. It’s a long and detailed process, but if we are successful it

Integrated Habitat Network Model

Work continues behind the scenes and we aim to have a trial of the model at the end of August. This should highlight any glitches needing attention before the model goes public at a series of community events. Information gathered at the events will lead to an Opportunities Map being produced, which will show where local people feel it might

CALL tree nursery

At last things are happening ‘on the ground’. The polytunnels are up, the shed is built, and we are itching to get the tree seed which was collected last year into the ground and start growing trees to re-forest Assynt and Coigach! There are a few more setting-up tasks to complete yet (such as getting power and a more reliable

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