JMT volunteers working hard in Assynt

CALL partners were delighted to have John Muir Trust volunteers based in Assynt from 10th June for a week-long workparty. About 20 volunteers in total were given a week’s worth of jobs, half way up a mountain (Quinag), fixing paths, shifting rocks, digging and path repair close to Suilven on Assynt Foundation ground. On Thursday they did Sitka Spruce removal

tree nursery wins award

The CALL tree nursery at Little Assynt has received recognition for its professional set-up, committed staff and community involvement.  We’ve been awarded Highly Commended in the Community Woodlands section of Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards.  Last Friday Anna MacKay and I attended the awards ceremony at the Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh.  Paul Wheelhouse, MSP for the Environment, presented the award –

live eagle pics!

If you’re in Lochinver, do call in to the Assynt Visitor Centre to see a wildlife spectacle!  The Assynt Foundation, working with Highland Council Senior Ranger Andy Summers, has, with a lot of techie input, finally been able to get a live video link to a golden eagle nest. Andy said “we have managed to get stunning images of Mum and baby

weaving a shoal

Of course as well as making practical, useful items from wood – like carved spoons – you can also use woodland products like willow to make decorative craft….as a group of us did in Achiltibuie on Saturday.  It was linked to the Scottish Basketmakers’ Circle ‘Encircle Scotland’ day where there were weaving events all over the country to celebrate SBC’s

funding frenzy

I’ve never felt inclined to run a marathon though of course I admire folk who do. It takes such detailed planning and training beforehand and lots of support from friends and colleagues. Then when it comes to the race you set off, well-armed with that solid preparation, pacing yourself and hoping you’ll have the stamina to last the distance and come in ahead of

Landscape Partnership progress

Well, we are hurtling towards the deadline for submission, and it’s taking up almost all of my work time (and a fair bit of middle-of-the-night- worry time!).  Romany though has planned and co-ordinated a great series of events later in May, to celebrate Biodiversity in the CALL area.  Do come along and join in on one or more of these

help needed with tree planting

Thanks to the hard work of Glen Campbell and three volunteers, the area alongside the road at the tree nursery is now ready to be planted with trees – and they need to go in soon.  We were fortunate to be granted money from Woodland Trust Scotland to buy a range of young trees, which will help to screen the

fame at last!

We had an interesting day recently – being filmed by the BBC Landward team for a special feature on Assynt.  The weather was cold, with snow showers making life interesting, but mainly beautiful sunshine. There was plenty of action at the tree nursery as SWT’s Glen Campbell and three of his very hardworking volunteers were busy preparing the ground for shelterbelt

crafty carving

  A wooden spoon carving day was held in Lochinver on 27th February.  Birch coppiced from a local croft was sawed, whittled and worked on using traditional tools. The idea was to use the wood sustainably in a simple and safe way. The philosophy being ‘the less reliance on machinery and electricity, the greater the opportunity for craftsmanship’.  Gradually through

celebrating hazel

Despite beautiful weather more than twenty people were willing to come inside to celebrate Hazel Day at Stoer Village Hall on Thursday 21st February. The hazel was chosen as it has played one of the biggest roles in the development of our civilisation than almost any other plant species and goes largely ignored.  From walking sticks to hurdles, from cookies

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