Toiling on Tanera

For the second year running, Tanera Mor was delighted to welcome a John Muir Trust work party to the island for a week in early October. Adverse sea conditions meant a 36 hour delay in getting volunteers to the island but accommodation and suitably engaging activity (in the form of fence removal on JMT’s Quinag estate and some brash removal) was

Soil, muck and money

  You might be getting the idea that CALL is only about woodlands.  Not true!  We are really pleased that Soil Association Scotland has offered to run a day’s course in the CALL area, helping crofters and growers to make the most of their ground.  The day will focus on soil fertility – how to judge what you’ve got, and

tree nursery Open Day

What a lovely afternoon was had by all the people who came along to Little Assynt last Friday!  It was great to see and think about the progress made over the past year and people were amazed at how well the tree seedlings are growing.  We enjoyed musical entertainment from Jorine on fiddle and Holly on guitar – with great

2020VISION and photography competition

You might have heard of this major photography project – the results of which are now touring the country.  We are very excited to say that the 2020VISION theatre show will be coming to our area in November – the 7th, 8th and 9th (see poster in Downloads section).  Part of the project took place in the CALL area so

marine scene

You’ll know that the littoral zone is that area between the high and low tide marks; the intertidal.  It’s also a catchy name for a science-based art project based on marine litter which has recently been running from Ullapool’s visual arts centre, an talla solais.  Artist Julia Barton has been in residence and helping to make local people in Ullapool,


We had about 12 six and seven year olds visit us last week when Lochinver Primary School children came to the tree nursery.  The pigs were the star attraction and enjoyed being fed by the children. We talked about the uses of trees for wildlife and people and then they tried to match the names of the trees to the

autumnal airs

Well there’s definitely a change in the season now, as we head into autumn.  The colours are changing on the hill ground and at night the tawny owls are living it up! Last Sunday a group of 35 would-be bird surveyors crammed into Elphin hall for a day’s free instruction on bird survey techniques from the British Trust for Ornithology. They

marking time in Assynt

You may be aware of the interesting creative courses run  by Elphin woman Jan Kilpatrick.  Next year she is offering a 5-day course based on the geology of the area, which sounds really good.  Have a look at what she is planning here: and please contact Jan if you want to find out more. Meanwhile at the nursery we

Five little piggies

Five new residents have moved into the Little Assynt tree nursery field. They have big snouts and floppy ears and look nothing like the tree nursery manager or his associates. They are in fact two male and three female saddleback pigs. These weaners are all from the same litter and are great fun to watch as they jostle each other

Patchwork meadow

The children from Assynt and Coigach have been very busy along with the local craft group Busy Bees making patchwork squares of their favourite flowers. These patches have been joined together to make a patchwork meadow, a project run by Plantlife. CALL have been involved along with the Highland Council Ranger service visiting the schools and putting the patches together.

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