A snapshot of the Outdoor & Woodland Learning programme
It was a relief to return to outdoor learning with the schools as they resumed for the 2020/21 academic year back in August. Since then we’ve been busy with Achiltibuie Primary School and Lochinver Primary School every week.
Here is a snapshot of what we’ve been getting up to:
Explorations up hills…

… into the woods…

… and by the sea.

Building dens. Large ones…

… and smaller ones for woodland animals…
… as well as building towers.
Learning about local wildlife:

Using our senses to explore the great outdoors

Learning fire safety…

… and putting the learning into practice on the sea shore.

Not forgetting some spooky story-telling in the wood for Halloween

All of this equates to a dynamic learning experience (for the adults as well as the young ones!). It’s an absolute pleasure to deliver this work and experience all these moments and more with the local young people of Coigach & Assynt.
Anyway, time to get back to session planning…