Tree-mendous Volunteers
Today (20th May) we held a volunteer day at Little Assynt Tree Nursery. For those of you unfamiliar with the nursery, they grow all locally sourced seeds collected by Nick and Susan (our amazing nursery team) and volunteers to produce thousands of trees for local planting projects including our Woodland Planting Project.
Tasks for the volunteers today included pricking out seedling Bird Cherries (Prunus padus) and putting them into cells to allow room for further growth and weeding those already in cells to start them on the journey to being ready for planting out on project sites. This included Alder (Alnus glutinosa), Birch (Betula pubescens) and Rowan (Sorbus acuparia).
Thanks you to those that came along and battled the midges!

Our next volunteer day is the 23rd may at Glencanisp Lodge, carrying out some path maintenance and species recording along the Glencanisp Nature Trail.
For more details on our tree nursery please follow the link: