May Monthly Volunteer Day
May’s volunteer day was held up at Glencanisp Lodge carrying out some path maintenance on the Glencanisp Nature Trail. It was a particularly wet day and the volunteers did a fantastic job despite this! The rain didn’t dampen spirits and singing songs kept us going!
The aim of this session was to widen the path back to its original width where some of the plants have overgrown onto the gravel. Armed with a spade a rake and a pair of hands we managed to widen the path on the first straight by the Art Studio. We will organise some more volunteering events to continue this work further along the pathway.
We were hoping to record some wildlife as we went but unfortunately the rain prevented this, although we did see three deer with their fresh antlers coming through.
Thank you to our volunteers. Watch our Website and Facebook for the next time we venture to Glencanisp. The next scheduled monthly volunteer day is the 27th June where we will be returning to Raffin for a beach clean. Details to follow.