
The development phase of the Heritage Lottery Fund Landscape Partnership application is gathering apace.  Richard, Fiona, Elaine and all the project Partners are working hard towards the 21st August submission deadline.  Part of the submission includes an Interpretation Plan.

Interpretation is much more than providing information about an area or a topic; the aim is to tell a story to engage and enthuse, to encourage and provoke people to find out more. This plan will outline the overall strategy for the development and delivery of interpretation available to locals and visitors.

It is being put together by a local team who are seeking the views of people who live in or visit the Coigach and Assynt areas.  So if you have an opinion on how the story of the landscape can be presented please go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/W5MDRVV and complete the short survey.  All the responses will be collated and used to put together the plan.  The draft will be available at the next CALLP Open Days on 31st March at Coigach Community Hall and 2nd April at Little Assynt Tree Nursery and also on our website.

Thank you all for your responses.


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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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