
fencing day                                                                                                         

Despite persistent wind and rain the strained wire fencing course at Little Assynt nursery took place on the 5th March. The finer points of placing corner posts, attaching strainer wire, tightening using monkey chains and radishers were learnt. Coigach-Assynt Living Landscape teamed up with the Scottish Crofting Federation to deliver their practical skills level one training. Brian Denoon the tutor was excellent and encouraging. Everyone had a go at attaching the wire, hammering in staples, twisting the ends to finish off and attaching lashings. By the end of the day despite the very damp weather everyone was reasonably proud with their attempts at strained wire fencing. The course gave an insight into the logistics of radishers and lashings, amongst other things, and how to use them. The students may not become full-time fencers but will now have a good idea about how to repair and maintain their own.

Romany Garnett  -CALL Outreach Officer





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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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