
Beinn nan Eoin 016In the CALL Programme Plan there was a wish to set up an international exchange.  Such visits are very interesting and both hosts and guests can be inspired and learn a lot of useful information.  The hope is that on returning home, some of what has been learnt can be used in a beneficial way. We’ve now managed to get enough funding (from the Arkleton Trust and the Forestry Commission) to enable a small group of people from the Coigach and Assynt area to visit Romania for a week, in May 2014.  The group will visit three villages in the Apuseni mountains where they will see for themselves the value of truly sustainable land management and community involvement.  This is a great opportunity to visit a really interesting part of the world and to use the inspiration gained to make a difference back home. If you think you might be interested in applying to take part in this visit, contact me vhalcrow@coigach-assynt.org or see the two documents in the Downloads section.  Letters of application need to be sent to me by 20th December. Selection will be by a panel, in January.  Viv

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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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