
reading poems to the trees
reading poems to the trees

What an enjoyable day last Friday! Romany had put together a great morning of activities, based around the fact that each letter in the Gaelic alphabet corresponds to a tree or shrub.  Local writer and poet Mandy Haggith helped to develop the event, which was enjoyed by children from several local schools, some adults and two very young participants. First we split into pairs and planted groups of trees, according to the Gaelic alphabet, along a special tree-trail which had been prepared.  Then, helped by Mandy, the children read a poem about their tree. After a quick snack and a bit of pig-watching, Henry Fosbrooke got all the children involved in his Woodland Orchestra.  We sang songs in praise of trees and made a huge lot of percussive noise with all the hand-made wooden instruments – great fun!


young tree-planters

Sadly we’ve had to postpone the Woodlands Weekend planned for this coming weekend at Glencanisp, due to a lack of bookings.  However we still hope to run it, perhaps in late spring next year.  Watch this space!  Viv

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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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