
What a lovely afternoon was had by all the people who came along to Little Assynt last Friday!  It was great to see and think about the progress made over the past year and people were amazed at how well the tree seedlings are growing.  We enjoyed musical entertainment from Jorine on fiddle and Holly on guitar – with great singing – and of course tea and cake…..  The Brownies and Rainbows enjoyed a treasure hunt and other activities, particularly feeding the 5 not-so-little pigs, who had a very exciting day.  It’s great that there is such community support for the nursery, and hats off to Nick and Romany who continue to do a great job of growing trees and involving everyone in fun activities.  Talking of which, the new Autumn Events poster is just out, with a range of interesting things to do – so come along to one if you can.  See Downloads section for the poster or contact Romany: rgarnett@coigach-assynt.org

snouts out!


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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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