
You’ll know that the littoral zone is that area between the high and low tide marks; the intertidal.  It’s also a catchy name for a science-based art project based on marine litter which has recently been running from Ullapool’s visual arts centre, an talla solais.  Artist Julia Barton has been in residence and helping to make local people in Ullapool, Lochinver and Achiltibuie aware of the marine litter issue by organising litter surveys and beach cleans, plus printmaking workshops, performances and installations: see her facebook page:  http://www.facebook.com/LittoralsciArtProject/   I went along to one of the surveys and beach cleans and it is amazing how much stuff litters the strand line, much of it plastic which never totally breaks down (it may degrade into small pieces but those can then be eaten by marine or other animals).  Worth looking at the Marine Conservation Society’s website too.

Another marine issue at the moment is  the consultation over possible designation of Marine Protection Areas – the consultation runs until the 18th November, but do have a look now at information on SWT’s website http://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/what-we-do/living-seas/ and a think about this issue which is important to all of us.  Viv

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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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