
Of course as well as making practical, useful items from wood – like carved spoons – you can also use woodland products like willow to make decorative craft….as a group of us did in Achiltibuie on Saturday.  It was linked to the Scottish Basketmakers’ Circle ‘Encircle Scotland’ day where there were weaving events all over the country to celebrate SBC’s 25th anniversary.  Local woman Midge Drake grows a huge range of different basketry willows on her croft at Polbain. She kindly donated the colourful materials and her time to help us to create woven willow fish.  It was convivial, relaxing, creative and a lot of fun!  Quite a simple process and I have to admit that the tidiest fish was made by wee Millie, age 7!  At the end of the afternoon (pouring rain so we were happy to be inside!) we had made colourful shoal:

willow fish Coigach

If we’d had more time we could have made a basket …. and all from locally-grown willow.  Maybe we could try to establish willow plots in other crofting townships?  It enjoys our climate and you can easily use it to make drawing charcoal too.  Viv

ps check out www.scottishbasketmakerscircle.org for some inspiring images and information on courses

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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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