
If you’re in Lochinver, do call in to the Assynt Visitor Centre to see a wildlife spectacle!  The Assynt Foundation, working with Highland Council Senior Ranger Andy Summers, has, with a lot of techie input, finally been able to get a live video link to a golden eagle nest.

Andy said “we have managed to get stunning images of Mum and baby courtesy of an undisclosed site on Assynt Foundation ground,  despite the rain.   Baby is about 5 weeks old and will be in the nest another 4 weeks maybe. I am recording as much footage as possible.  Next year we will get internet access and can stream it live to Glencanisp Lodge and even to the CALL website .”

It’s great to see images of this splendid bird with minimal effort and without causing it any disturbance. VivEagle chick 2




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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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