
One of the things I’d like to do but which there never seems to be enough time for, is to keep local folk up-to-speed with what is developing through the CALL project, and to get local input.  I’m horrified to find that it’s a year since I last set up public meetings!

There is so much happening that it’s time for the YourCALL roadshow again…….I’ve set up evening meetings in Achiltibuie for 28th January, Elphin for 30th January and Lochinver for 19th February.  If you live locally and are keen to find out more about CALL  then do come along to discuss proposed improvements to wildlife habitats, interpretation and access.  It’s also a chance to push forward with the community tree nurseries which are planned for Achiltibuie and Elphin, and to meet Romany the Tree Nursery Outreach Officer – she’d be happy to discuss ideas you may have for activities in your area.

Hope you can make it to one of the meetings – there will be home-made cake too!  Viv

  • Coigach Community Hall, Monday 28th January, 7.30-9pm
  • Elphin Community Hall, Wednesday 30th January, 7.30-9pm
  • Lochinver Community Room, Tuesday 19th February, 7.30-9pm

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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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