

Bliadhna Mhath Ur! Tha mi an dochas gum bi bliadhna math agad!

I’m afraid that’s about as good as my Gaelic gets, but I do hope you will have a good year in 2013.  We have high hopes for lots of positive developments in CALL.  A major piece of work for me is helping to pull together the Landscape Partnership bid.  The deadline is in May, which seems a long way off but there is a huge amount to do to get it ready, to the required standard, for this highly competitive fund.  Wish me luck!

Towards the end of January I’ll be holding public meetings (catchily entitled ‘YourCALL’) in Achilitbuie, Elphin and Lochinver to give people a chance to find out where the CALL project is up to.  The Landscape Partnership bid will feature here, as it’s not too late to have more input from the community. Look out for these informal events (featuring coffee & cake) which will be advertised locally and in this blog, and come along if you can.

No snow here yet (disappointingly – how can I develop my cross-country skiing skills?!) but it is hovering around zero and windy, so pretty chilly. Keep warm!  Viv


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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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