
I’m pleased to say we had a good number of applicants for the new job at the nursery – and we’re interviewing candidates on 6th November: tomorrow!  We’ve decided to do this at the tree nursery – in one of the polytunnels – to show candidates the set-up and to try to get the best out of people by not being too formal.  The drawback being that with snow on the hills and easterly weather, Nick, Fiona and I will be pretty chilly by the end of the day!   We hope the successful candidate will be able to take up post soon, and start encouraging more people to get involved in the work of the nursery and in the CALL project.

Last week was hectic for me, with applications to sift and a series of meetings between CALL partners and data analysts Lindsay and Ian from Scottish Wildlife Trust.   We’re working on an Opportunities Map which will show the various constraints and opportunities for woodland expansion in Coigach and Assynt.  The Map will help to guide future tree planting and regeneration areas so the best places are chosen – and planting isn’t carried out inappropriately. Viv

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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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