
We’re looking forward to an entertaining afternoon on Friday 5th October, when the CALL partners will officially open the tree nursery at Little Assynt.  At 2pm, after a few words from Jonny Hughes, Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Director of Conservation, the CALL partners will cut the ribbon and declare the nursery OPEN!  Anna MacKay, Chair of Culag Community Woodland Trust will welcome people to the site and the event.  You may not have seen the two polytunnels yet – but they will give welcome shelter on the day, when pupils from Scourie primary school will play a variety of music to entertain visitors.  The Rainbows and Brownies from Assynt will also do an activity before they plant some trees with Nick’s help.  Children form Achiltibuie primary school will also be visiting the nursery, as will MSP Rob Gibson, and hopefully one or two members of the press.  This could be your chance to be on the TV!  There will be opportunity to help get the nursery off to a good start by marking seed sources on a map, and to join a supporters’ group to help collect seed and assist Nick with other nursery jobs.  A short guided walk will be on offer for those who’d like an overwiew of the part native woods play in the landscape, and a little bit of exercise, before descending on tea or wine to accompany the excellent home-made cakes (made in Elphin by Sian Curley).    We do hope you’ll be able to come along and help us celebrate this step forward for native woodlands in the area.  Then we’ll need to get down to the important task of growing trees!  Viv

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Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape

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