music, song, tree planting……and cake!
The sun shone (between the hail showers!) on Friday 5th and I was delighted to see a large number of local folk supporting the tree nursery opening event. We were entertained by the seriously talented children of Scourie Primary playing music on fiddles, pipes and keyboard, and by the Assynt Brownies and Rainbows who sang a special song – and were wearing hand-painted colourful tree-themed Tshirts! Then there was tree-planting, a guided walk, nursery tours, a chance to chat and of course tea and cake. LOTS of cake! If you managed to come along I hope you enjoyed the afternoon, and if not then maybe soon you’ll get a chance to call in and see how things are progressing.
Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the afternoon a success! Viv
Scourie Primary children making music in the polytunnel
Assynt Brownies and Rainbows ready to sing!